Family FAQ's
School Day: School Begins at 8:45 a.m. and ends at 3:45 p.m. The front doors open at 8:15 for students to come in and go to eat breakfast in the cafeteria or wait in the gym before going to homerooms.
School Breakfast and Lunch
The prices for our student’s meals daily are as follows:
- Reduced Breakfast -$0.30
- Full-paid Breakfast - $1.00
- Reduced Lunch - $0.40
- Full-Paid Lunch - $2.25
Car Riders
We ask that parents of car riders assist us in setting the tone for an efficient process. As you enter McCracken Circle, look ahead at the process so you will know what to do when you pull up. A few pointers: 1) Cars should pull all the way forward in the drop off line so we can have as many students exit as possible; 2) Please be sure students do not exit or cross from the left lane until right lane traffic is stopped; 3) We will hold all cars in the drop off area until students have safely crossed; 4) Students should have books and materials ready when parents pull in so the line is not held up; 5) History tells us that cars that enter the circle after 8:30am will experience delays that may make students tardy to class. We are asking parents to attempt to drop off between the lower traffic times between 8:15am and 8:40am.
We will have a proactive emphasis on having students in class on time. We will move to an automated system that tracks tardiness, communicates with parents when they occur, and assigns discipline based on the number of tardies a student has. Please help us in the message that being on time and learning is important.
Office Procedures
If you need to drop off lunch money, school supplies, etc. during the school day, we will not interrupt classes to make delivery of these items. The item(s) will be maintained by our office staff and your student will be responsible for checking to see if their name has been added to the board that will be placed in the cafeteria during all lunches. We will call students at dismissal to pick up any items not retrieved during lunches.
Also, please call the office or send a note with your student if your child will be picked up during the school day. If your child is not feeling well, please contact the school nurse before coming to pick up your child so that the school nurse can assess your child’s situation.
Parent registration (New Students to Bluffton area and returning students to Bluffton Schools):
Parents of returning students will need to do the Info Snap update again this year. We have made it a little easier for you. You can know upload your proof of residence. You should have received an email with your snap code already, but if you have not or need help please give the Data Specialist a call at 843-706-8835 or stop in and she will be more than happy to help you.
If you are a parent of a new student to the Bluffton area and have already registered your student, you should have completed info snap during that process. IF you have not completed the registration please call the Data Specialist at 843-706-8835 and to set up a time for you to come in and complete this.